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"ماوس سكايليون F1 اللاسلكي مع 3 أزرار للألعاب والمكتب لأنظمة Microsoft Windows وApple iOS."

"ماوس سكايليون F1 اللاسلكي مع 3 أزرار للألعاب والمكتب لأنظمة Microsoft Windows وApple iOS."
السعر بدون ضريبة : SR.41.00

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ماوس سكايليون F1 اللاسلكي يتميز بتصميم مريح مع 3 أزرار، مما يجعله مثاليًا للألعاب والمكتب. يدعم أنظمة Microsoft Windows وApple iOS، ويوفر تجربة استخدام سلسة ودقيقة سواء للعمل أو اللعب.


1. Wash your hands before using the mouse to prevent sweat and bacteria from polluting the mouse.Washing hands after use can prevent bacterial pollution on the mouse.

2. The mouse should be placed on a fine desktop and the mouse pillow should be used to avoid falling and polluting the mouse.

3. Before using the mouse, be sure to check carefully from the mouse instructions and work according to the requirements for specifications in the instructions.

4. Do not put other elements on the mouse to avoid damaging or contaminating the keys.

5. When cleaning the mouse, do not wash it directly with water.For water -resistant mouse, it may become invalid after washing.

6. Do not breathe your emotions on the mouse.The most common thing is that the mouse is very raised when it is broken.On the one hand, it will reduce the life of the mouse service;On the other hand, sweat and dandruff stains in your hands will put on the mouse.

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